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Lie Down and Listen X

Neurographic Art 

Cotswolds Day Retreat 

21 November

Stanton Guildhouse, Stanton, Nr. Broadway

Lie Down and Listen X Neurographic Art Day Retreat


Immerse yourself in creativity, sound, music and deliciously nutritious food in the beautiful surroundings of Stanton Guildhouse.

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Your hosts will be Lie Down and Listen founder and classical pianist Christina McMaster and Kay MacGowan-Praet, a much loved Art teacher and watercolour specialist who is passionate about welcoming students of all levels to try - neurographic art - a spontaneous and intuitive creative response to our innermost feelings via art.  No previous experience is needed!


Allow your deepest most hidden creativity to flow, whether subtle or bold – while allowing the sound of expertly played classical music to free your ability to put ‘soul to paper’.


Classical pianist Christina will guide you through a deeply restful and heart opening Lie Down and Listen experience comprising of her own expert take on Tibetan bowl sound healing followed by a blissful lying down classical piano concert.


Mattresses, cushions and blankets provided for your comfort.

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"De-stress and get your culture fix all in one"

The Evening Standard Magazine

Schedule of the Day


10.00am Welcome

You'll be welcomed and meet fellow guests and your hosts for the day Kay and Christina.


Our friend Sangeeta will serve delicious warm chai drinks and savoury biscuits while you settle into the stunning Cotswolds views and surroundings.

10.30am Neurographic Art workshop


Our resident art expert Kay will guide you through the Neurographic intuitive session, which allows you to express your creativity and feelings through colour, movement and shapes.  This process starts with a simple shape that is unique to you, you’ll be putting thought to paper in a way that expands healing, understanding of self, and self-awareness.  Each aspect of the art will be unique to you.  Under Kay’s expert hand, you’ll end up with a visual representation of your inner world.  It could be surprising, it could be challenging, it could be beautiful – but it will be yours and yours alone. 


12.30pm Lunch

Local chef Sangeeta will serve seasonal and flavoursome warm salads to nourish and replenish you.


1.30 - 3.30pm Lie down and Listen experience

Christina will introduce you to the modality of sound healing and the importance of listening, and how we could tune inwards into expansion.


You’ll then settle back onto a soft mattress as Christina guides you through deep relaxation via Tibetan bowl sound healing and a bespoke classical piano concert experience.


These beautiful resonances, alongside the natural sounds of the countryside will allow you to reflect on the work experienced in Kay’s Neurographic session, a wonderful time for integration and reflection.


Book your spot for a creative and special Autumn day.

Day Retreat Pass



22-23 November

ReConnect & ReNourish

ReConnect and ReNourish your entire being this Autumn at the beautiful Pip and Jims in Leckhampton, Cheltenham.

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